Wednesday, March 26, 2014

We are not oligarchs or tyrants

Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms. --Aristotle
I believe he people must always have the right to dissent in word and deed. I am not the biggest second ammendment guy however, it serves it's purpose in the constitution. Politicians should be concerned with the people holding them accountable for actions as well as their inactions. The police should feel concerns from the people that they serve and protect when they fail to do their jobs properly. Teachers should expect to be fired when they fail to adequately educate our children.  None of the aforementioned should fear being fired upon by citizens unable to control their rage and anger over arbitrary issues in life. With rights come responsibilities. The good guys with guns need to start preventing the bad guys from obtaining a gun and when a so called good guy does something bad with a gun, call him on it. Not a sermon, just a thought.

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