Wednesday, March 19, 2014


You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one. -Henry David Thoreau Character must be formed in the crucible of time and  hard work. Hoping and wishing will not get it done. Much like a workout in the gym it requires a total body commitment to achieve true character. Not just shoulders and arms, not just chest and back but legs as well. Generally, this comes in the form of loving parents, sometimes it comes from a coach in the gym or on the playing field, its been known to come from a wonderful teacher in the classroom, once in a while it comes from a drill instructor in the military, it can even come from a stranger on the street, and every now and then an inspiring author. However the opportunity presents presents itself, seize it every time. Evaluate and assess life's journey regularly. Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. Then make yourself available to teach, mentor and instruct others as you too have learned. This is true character.

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