Monday, December 27, 2010

Who can tame the Leviathan

“Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”
P. J. ORourke
Hobbs was one of the first to draw the analogy between the mythical sea monster and the government. The coparisons are astounding. Both continue to consume and grow at alarming rates seemingly without great benefit to anyone but themselves. Of course that is not entirety true. There are somethings the government does well, or so we have been told.
By the way there are things they could do better. Such as TSA screening. Why do we have to be patted down and nearly nude inorder to fly? I recall a TSA screener who was so embarrassed after going through the nearly nude process that he shot at least one colleague after induring the scrutiny surrounding the process. Maybe congress should go through similar processes regularly. How about making congress subject the laws they pass. Maybe then we would not have to be apart of their social experiments . Perhaps this is a classic case of too much power! Let's tame the Leviathan. Less power and less money and more accountability. Time to take back the keys and cut back on the whiskey.

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