Monday, February 15, 2021


Code of the Samurai. "For a samurai, a simple word is important no matter where he may be. By just one single word martial valor can be made apparent. In peaceful times words show one's bravery. In troubled times, too, one knows that by a single word his strength or cowardice can be seen. This single word is the flower of one's heart." Hagakure "Your words convey deep meanings even if you do not. Choose them wisely. Your words will speak volumes long after you are silent. Your children cherish your words, your grandchildren will ponder them, your enemies will study them, your friends will cling to them, strangers will quote them. Save a kind word for a stranger in need. Give lots of flowers. Give of your abundant wealth. Bless someone else's ills. Heal another's way and encourage their heart. Speak words as if they mean something." Aldea lobo