Monday, November 30, 2020

Ask a Wolf

The sheep should stop trying to appeal to the coyotes'sense of duty or obligation and fair play. To the coyotes you are food,they only care about what you can do for them. They do not regard you as equals or worthy of consideration. However, if you must negotiate with bad actors, leave that to the wolf. The coyotes fear the wolf and would negotiate with him just to survive impending danger that the wolf represents. Just be sure the wolf desires to be like a sheep dog and sees you as someone worthy of protection.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Res ipsa loquitur

repost from December 31, 2010 The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur (Latin for "the thing speaks for itself") infers that there is a certain responsibility that we in a civil society owe one another a measure of due diligence when interacting in in business or communal affairs. In our culture to breach such a trust via an accident or misbehaving bears certain consequences for the corporation or individuals in violation(including our relationships toward one another). I hear news stories all the time and almost immediately I presume that I have the facts, only to read or hear another report of the same story told with a differing slant. It would be nice to occasionally hear the unfiltered who, what, when where and how and allow us to decide the why. When one has the facts before them, it is not difficult to come to a reasonable conclusion. The trick is to have all the facts and not come to a conclusion based on your prejudices, misconceptions, or bias. Certainly, we like to think we do these things on our own without assistance from others. Trust us enough to make up our own mind. In the end, the thing speaks for itself. Rico's good life at 12:32 PM Share No comments: Post a Comment ‹ › Home View web version About Me Rico's good lifeView my complete profile Powered by Blogger.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Be a global citizen

As you travel through this life these are some thoughts to consider. "Your words convey deep meanings even if you do not. Choose them wisely. Your words will speak volumes long after you are silent. Your children cherish your words, your grandchildren will ponder them, your enemies will study them, your friends will cling to them, strangers will quote them. Save a kind word for a stranger in need. Give lots of flowers. Give of your abundant wealth. Bless someone else's ills. Heal another's way and encourage their heart. Speak words as if they mean something." Aldea lobo. Desperately Wicked by Raphael David