Monday, January 3, 2011

Eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow

Ad praesens ova cras pullis sunt meliora - Eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow (a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush)
I am reminded of those that would have you give today to inherit an afterlife, or starve today to eat tomorrow (while they eat today and tomorrow). The advocates of these things in the highest degrees rarely themselves make any real substantive sacrifices. In part because we as a people bear their burdens in the heat of the day and genuinely need someone else to bear our responsibility, to make up for our, low self esteem, insecurities, and fear of failing. There are circumstances where others need to encourage us to do as they do not just as they say, however, most of the time that is not the case in the situations aforementioned. We all know religious icons who live as kings and demi gods, while their followers scrape to make ends meet, all while offering nothing more than a return in the nebulous somewhere, sometime not to be determine. The same can be said for corporate and government hierarchy that live off the fat of the land that they have done nothing to bring to fruition and ultimately ask you to pay for.
Many of you will probably make the argument surrounding social security and pensions and the benefit of such. Why not invest in your own future. I say if we rise and fall based on our own merits, we then could save a ton on what the government, corporations, and so called religious leaders cost us annually and use those resources to invest on our own. We can feed the poor and clothed the naked, after all no one else seems to be doing much more than talking about it. Non profits do more for the affected communities than the three entities combined. The eggs in your hand today are far better than the chickens you have been promised tomorrow.